
She Wants To Tell Her Husband That He Has Two Months To Fix Their Financial Situation, Or Else They’re Getting A Divorce

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman and her husband, who is 29, have been married for two years. When they first tied the knot, her husband officially immigrated to the United States, and they made a plan on how to financially succeed together.

“We spoke about what needed to be done in order for us to be okay financially before he moved, and he 100% reassured me that everything would be okay,” she recalled.

Well, once her husband was actually in the U.S., he never lived up to his word. She became the breadwinner of their household, pulling both of their weight for almost a year.

At the same time, her husband put zero effort into finding a job. This led her to have numerous mental breakdowns since she was so overwhelmed with their rent and bills piling up. Things even got so bad that they were almost evicted.

So, she eventually told her husband that he had one week to find a job or else he needed to leave. Thankfully, that was the “kick” he needed, and he actually did find a position.

Unfortunately, though, given the current state of the economy, the one job he got simply wasn’t enough to take the financial burden off of her.

“I’m still the one with the higher income, and it’s hard because I suffer from lupus, and some days, I have bad flare-ups. And I can’t take the day off because it would put a bigger dent in our finances,” she explained.

Her husband has since tried reassuring her again, saying that he’d start delivering food for companies like UberEats or Doordash on the weekends to supplement their income. Nonetheless, he’s never actually done any of that.

So, she’s finally reached her breaking point – especially since, before her husband entered the picture, she was fine in terms of finances.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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