
She Wants To Tell Her Best Friend’s Husband That His Wife’s Been Sleeping With Her Ex-Fiancé

snedorez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the hardest secrets to keep is knowing that someone is cheating on someone else, someone you interact with often.

One woman is unsure what to do after finding out that her best friend has been cheating on her husband with her ex-fiancé.

She has a best friend that she’s known for over 15 years. They had always been “ride or die” friends and had been through a lot together.

She was her friend’s maid of honor at her wedding two years ago and, since then, has been hanging out with her and her husband.

She isn’t married, as she was in a toxic relationship with a bad man for seven years. They were engaged but broke it off a year ago, and she feels like she’s finally healed.

Unfortunately, she’s been carrying a heavy secret for the last few years. She knew her best friend had been cheating on her husband but didn’t know who it was with. She felt it wasn’t her place to reveal the secret to her friend’s husband and didn’t want to get involved.

However, after a recent night out with her friend, they had a lot to drink, and her friend drunkenly revealed that the person she had been cheating on her husband with was her ex-fiancé, and it broke her heart.

“It was probably while we were still together, but she won’t admit that part,” she said.

“I don’t intend on talking to her ever again. I so badly want to tell [her husband] everything. He’s a good person, and we were all friends.”

snedorez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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