
She Wants To Divorce Her Husband Because He Sat In His Car For 10 Minutes After Her Son Broke His Ankle And Didn’t Help With The Family Emergency

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Do you ever return home from a drive and sit in your car for a few minutes before going inside? 

It’s something a lot of people do, and sometimes, they don’t even realize how often they do it. However, most people would rush back into their houses if they were needed.

One woman is ready to divorce her husband, who has the habit of sitting in his car anytime he returns home after he refused to get out of the car and help while her son was having an emergency.

She and her husband have been together for two years, and she has a young son from a previous marriage.

Her husband has a habit where after he gets home from work in his car, he sits in the driveway for anywhere between five and ten minutes before going inside. He does this every single time he returns after a drive.

“He talked about a past traumatic experience he had when he came home and caught his ex cheating on him, and because of that, he’d just spend few minutes in his car before he entered his home as a response to his trauma,” she explained.

“Now, I won’t say that he’s wrong in coping with what happened, but this has made me feel uneasy and caused many fights between us.”

Because of his car habit, her husband has been late for things like hosting guests. He also often lets his dinner get cold because he has to sit in his car, which upsets her. She’s expressed to him how she doesn’t appreciate him sitting in the car when she wants him to be home, but he simply insists on doing it.

Things really came to a head the other day when her son tripped and fell down the stairs and hurt his ankle. She wanted to take him to the hospital, but her husband was at work and had their car, so she called him and begged him to come home immediately so they could take him.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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