
She Wants To Break Up With Her Boyfriend Since He Gets Really Jealous Whenever She Speaks To Other Men Yet Still Talks To His Own Ex-Girlfriend - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 25, have been together for almost a year. Yet, she is only now starting to realize just how jealous and possessive her boyfriend gets whenever she talks to other men.

To be clear, she’s not flirting or even hinting at other guys in any way. Rather, whenever she just has a normal conversation with other men, her boyfriend gets jealous.

There have also been some incidents where guys have asked for her number in the past. In those situations, she either just politely declines their advances or gives them a fake phone number.

“And I’ve always told my boyfriend when it happens because I figured he’d like to know when things like that happen. No omitting certain truths and all that,” she said.

She also explained to her boyfriend how she only ever gives out fake numbers to guys who simply won’t take no for an answer.

Well, even so, her boyfriend still gets upset because he believes that it “still counts.”

In their relationship, they always claimed that they wanted to be open and able to communicate about things like this.

“But he always gets extremely jealous and standoffish after I tell him or if he sees me talking with someone other than him,” she explained.

On top of that, her boyfriend always gets frustrated whenever she mentions her old male roommate, who is 30. For context, she and her former roommate were never together – they were always just friends. Plus, the guy even has his own baby on the way right now. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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