
She Upset Her Family By Not Paying For All Of Them To Have Dinner At A Restaurant

pavel siamionov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Pretty recently, this 31-year-old woman was invited to have dinner with some of her family at a restaurant.

Her 35-year-old husband had a work engagement and couldn’t make it, so she and her 16-year-old stepson went to dinner alone.

“I make a good salary and sometimes cover my nephew’s and other family members’ meals at these dinners as a gesture of goodwill,” she explained.

“However, this time, I decided to pay only for my stepson’s and my own meals. Our total came to $250.”

“We had plans to go shopping and have a special outing just for the two of us later in the month, so I wanted to manage our expenses more carefully.”

After the check came and she only paid for herself and her stepson’s food, her sister-in-law made a complaint.

Her sister-in-law said she spoiled her stepson to no end and favored him over her own family members.

Her sister-in-law was obviously angry and kept going with her rant, saying she shouldn’t care about her stepson more than her loved ones.

Those remarks really upset her, so she got into a fight with her sister-in-law, insisting it wasn’t fair for her to be expected to pay for everyone at the restaurant.

pavel siamionov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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