
She Told Her Pregnant Friend The Baby Names She Plans To Use Would Get Her Child Bullied

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a friend who found out she was pregnant a few months ago, and her friend is ecstatic about becoming a mother.

She’s really happy for her friend, too, and honestly believes her friend will be a great mom.

However, there is one major problem: baby names.

Have you ever met someone who, in an attempt to choose a very unique name, wound up naming their baby something terrible? Well, right now, her friend is trying to do the same thing, and she simply can’t bear to watch.

Apparently, her friend really wants their baby’s name to be special. But she thinks her friend is going about it all wrong.

“What I mean is, the name she plans to use is god awful,” she admitted.

For context, if her friend has a boy, his name will be “Daynger.” Yes, it’s pronounced “danger,” but her friend wants to use unique spelling.

Then, if the baby is a girl, her friend wants to use the name “Tinkerbelle.”

“I wish I was joking,” she said.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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