
She Told Her Mom To Stop Treating Her Like A Best Friend And Talking About Cheating On Her Father Since She Didn’t Want To Know

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Has someone ever told you a secret, and you wished you never knew about it?

One teenager is upset with her mom, who confessed to her that she was seeing another guy but refused to tell or divorce her dad.

She’s 18, and her mom is 42. She could tell that her mom and dad’s relationship was almost non-existent for a while now, but no one said anything. Until recently, that is.

Her mom confessed that she was very unhappy in her marriage to her dad, and she told her several times to look into getting divorced. However, because of the way her mom was, she had a feeling that wouldn’t happen.

“I always knew that my mom would never act on it because she prioritizes her family and reputation too much,” she said.

“One day, she started ranting about a guy who had shown interest in her at work and how persistent he was, even though he knew she was married with kids. I could tell that my mom felt very flattered and validated.”

When she asked her mom if she was considering getting together with this guy, she said no and laughed. However, in the following days, she started behaving differently.

Her mom became more secretive while on her phone, grew more short-tempered with her dad, and started dressing differently.

Then, her mom started coming home with a bunch of gifts and awkwardly claimed they were from a female coworker who buys too much and gives some things away.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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