
She Told Her Husband That He Failed Her And Their Baby After He Randomly Quit His Job And Put Their Finances In Jeopardy

Arsenii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Can you imagine reaching a huge milestone like having a baby and then suddenly being expected to deal with your partner’s mid-life crisis?

One woman is very stressed after her husband decided he wanted a career change right after she had their baby, and he now makes significantly less than he did before.

She and her husband have been married for eight years. For the last seven, they planned very meticulously for when they’d be ready to have a baby. She had the best income as a pediatric nurse, and her husband also worked full-time.

“We planned heavily because we both wanted a child, but we needed to make sure we had everything ‘just right’ because I was very firm about the fact that I would never be okay with sending our child to daycare,” she explained.

“I was going to be a stay-at-home mom. He 100% agreed.”

Finally, by the end of 2022, they had a nice chunk of money in their savings, which she contributed the most, and felt confident enough to start having children. She gave birth to their baby in September of 2023, stopped working, and unfortunately, things have gone downhill since then.

Two months after giving birth, her husband decided he wanted to change careers. She asked him to reconsider, and he was extremely insistent, assuring her that his new job would give him more time with the baby.

However, he went from working five days a week to six days and went from receiving $21 an hour to $16 an hour.

Things really came to a head when her husband told her he didn’t earn enough money from work to pay their upcoming bills.

Arsenii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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