
She Told Her Husband He Pretty Much Deserved To Get Food Poisoning Since He Didn’t Listen To Her

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 37-year-old woman admits that throughout her life, she’s been more on the neurotic side when it comes to food safety.

She’s worked in plenty of restaurants over the years, which has contributed to her care and consideration when it comes down to the things we eat.

Additionally, when she was a kid, she and her sister routinely got sick off dishes their grandma made for them, so she’s got a bit of trauma surrounding that.

Now, her 36-year-old husband loves to dismiss what he calls her food safety infatuation, but that never created waves until her husband began learning to cook around 3 or 4 years ago.

She sometimes will try to suggest he use a thermometer to double check that something is cooked properly, and he will roll his eyes at her before doing it. He gets irritated when she tries to be of assistance.

Two weeks back, she and her husband were putting groceries away when she spotted a condiment that appeared weird to her.

It was darker than it should have been, and the oil in it separated from the rest of the concoction, so she told her husband she thought it had gone bad.

Her husband is the only one who eats it, and instead of taking her suggestion to get a refund or toss it, he put it in their pantry.

Several days later, she realized the condiment hadn’t made it to the trash, so she asked her husband about it a couple of times, but he ignored her, so she quit bringing it up.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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