
She Threw Her 4-Year-Old Adoptive Daughter’s First Birthday Party Ever After Spending Three Years In Foster Care And Never Being Celebrated

o1559kip - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There are so many children growing up in foster care who have never had what one would consider ‘typical’ childhood experiences, like having frequent playdates with friends or enjoying a birthday party each year.

One woman recently went viral on TikTok after posting a video of the birthday party she threw for her recently adopted daughter.

Jess Gaytan (@jessgaytan2) is a TikTok user and mother of three adorable daughters. Jess and her husband recently adopted two of their three daughters.

Jess and her husband began caring for sisters Bonnie and Genesis a while back and officially became their adoptive parents on May 16th, 2024. Bonnie spent 2,286 days in foster care, and Genesis spent 1,536 days.

On Jess’ TikTok page, she describes how she and her husband applied to adopt the girls as soon as they saw their photo.

Jess recorded the amazing moment they revealed to the girls they were going to be official members of their family and posted a sweet caption on her TikTok page recently.

“[They were] adopted after spending countless years in foster care from a horrific and broken system,” wrote Jess.

“Their story needs to be shouted from the rooftop because maybe someone will sit down [and] listen and help change this system too…Bonnie and Genesis, I love you more than you could ever imagine.”

Jess’ TikTok page went viral back in April, just before Bonnie and Genesis’ adoption became official after she and her family threw Genesis a proper birthday party for the first time.

o1559kip – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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