
She Threatened To Divorce Her Husband After He Screamed At Their Toddler For Accidentally Spilling Some Apple Juice

minadezhda - - illustrative purposes only

Sometimes, when you’re a parent, your anger gets the best of you, and you yell at your kids.

However, when the yelling becomes more frequent, and you or your spouse snap at your kids for things they can’t control or mistakes they made, you put them in a very toxic environment.

One woman recently threatened to divorce her short-tempered husband after he traumatized their toddler by yelling at him over an accident.

She’s 26 and has been married to her 35 husband for six years. They have two children, a four-year-old and a two-year-old.

Over the last few years, she’s noticed her marriage falling apart, mostly because her husband has been out of control with his temper.

He’s been especially mean, criticizing her and calling her names. Additionally, he’s been extremely controlling of her and claims he’s worried she’ll cheat on him, so he controls their finances and keeps tabs on where she goes.

To make matters worse, her husband has started taking his bad moods out on their children, which deeply disturbed her.

“I stayed in the marriage, hoping things would get better, especially for the sake of our children; however, I’ve recently noticed my husband’s behavior is starting to impact our kids,” she said.

“He gets impatient with them, yells at them for small mistakes, and sometimes even ignores them when they need attention.”

minadezhda – – illustrative purposes only

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