
She Spent Over $30,000 On Her Wedding And Left In Tears After Her Bridesmaid Stole The Attention

Vasil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this woman and her now-husband were planning their wedding, they each decided to have six bridesmaids and six groomsmen.

It took them three years to plan and organize their wedding, and they spent more than $30,000 on the event.

At the beginning of her engagement, most of her friends weren’t in relationships, including one of her bridesmaids named Anna.

Two of her other bridesmaids were in committed relationships, so she only wanted to allow these women to bring their partners as plus-ones.

In response to this, Anna expressed her frustration with this because she was dating someone (whom she is now married to), but at the time, the relationship wasn’t serious yet. Later, her mother convinced her to allow all of her bridesmaids to bring plus-ones.

“Anna actually continued to date that guy and married him four months before my wedding, at two months pregnant. She brought her new husband as her plus-one (who I’d never met prior) and convinced one of the other bridesmaids to take her friend as hers (when she KNEW we didn’t like him),” she said.

On her wedding day, she and Anna were both 25. According to her husband’s culture, anyone getting pregnant earlier than their late 20s or early 30s, regardless of whether or not they were married, was shocking and frowned upon in the same way that teen pregnancies are looked down on in other cultures.

“She drew ATTENTION. She also has a vibrant personality and has a way of eclipsing everyone around her. Her husband is also very tall and incredibly attractive, which drew a lot of attention. All anyone spoke about or of was Anna’s pregnancy and her attractive husband. Even in line, people were asking about that ‘electric woman,'” she explained.

Plus, all of her wedding guests asked questions about Anna’s pregnancy, her recent marriage, and just her life in general.

Vasil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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