
She Snapped In Front Of Her In-Laws When Her Husband Said She Does Nothing All Day As A Stay-At-Home Mom

She’s exhausted from managing everything in their household from end to end, but she tries her best not to complain and add to her husband’s stress.

She actually chose to work a part-time tutoring job in order to help him feel like she’s contributing money, and it helps her to have some pocket money to spend, too.

Several days ago, she was at her in-law’s home spending time with her husband’s mom, dad, and sister.

Her sister-in-law actually asked her how she was able to do it all at home, but she couldn’t get one word out before her husband replied on her behalf.

He said she’s doing amazing since she has literally “nothing else to do all day.” Not wanting to let her husband get away with that, she snapped.

“I told him right there in front of his family that just because I don’t have a traditional job now doesn’t mean I do nothing,” she said.

“I mentioned how hurtful his comments have been lately and how unappreciated I feel. His mother immediately started lecturing me about how I shouldn’t talk to him like that, especially in front of others. I haven’t apologized to him yet, and I’m not sure how to approach him about this without it turning into another fight. I love him, but I need him to understand how much his words are hurting me.”

“He wasn’t like this when I had a full-time job and shared financial responsibilities equally. I love my kids, and I’d do anything for my family. But honestly I can’t remember the last time I had a day to myself. There’s always something that needs to be done. Whether it’s at home or running errands.”

Following her blow up in front of the in-laws, her mother-in-law has been texting her every single day to check on the status of her marriage.

Her mother-in-law has also been offering unsolicited advice, so she’s thinking it’s time to block her. She’s irritated that her mother-in-law isn’t trying to talk to her husband about what happened, only her.

She never would have snapped in the first place if her husband hadn’t made an effort to put her down in front of everyone.

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