
She Snapped In Front Of Her In-Laws When Her Husband Said She Does Nothing All Day As A Stay-At-Home Mom

dusanpetkovic1 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In 2020, this 28-year-old woman married her 33-year-old husband, and now they have two children together.

They have an 8-month-old and a 3-year-old, and her husband additionally has a daughter from a previous relationship; they get her on the weekends.

She adores her stepdaughter and is happy to take care of her, especially since her husband can’t even manage to clean up after himself, let alone any of the kids.

After she gave birth to her youngest, she quit her job to become a stay-at-home mom. Her husband figured this would be the best arrangement for their family.

Over the last two months, her husband has been taking a lot of shots at her relatively new role as a stay-at-home mom.

Any time her friends or family remark on something she’s accomplished or question her about how she balances it all, her husband says something mean.

He also likes to point out that she has tons of free time to keep their house in immaculate condition since all she does is stay home.

“On top of that, he’s constantly complaining about how hard it is to be the sole provider,” she explained.

“I really understand and try to make things as easy for him at home as possible. I make sure the house is clean, the kids are taken care of, and dinner is ready.”

dusanpetkovic1 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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