
She Slapped A Teen Boy At The Water Park For Trying To Untie Her Bathing Suit Top, But Her Husband Thinks She Overreacted

Kryuchka Yaroslav - - illustrative purposes only
Kryuchka Yaroslav - - illustrative purposes only

This 32-year-old woman and her husband, who is also 32, decided to go to the water park with their daughter last weekend. And in the beginning, they were having a great time.

But then, while they were just practicing swimming in one of the pools – and minding their own business – a group of teenage boys ruined her afternoon.

While she was just trying to work on swimming with her daughter, one of the teen boys apparently went up behind her. Then, all of a sudden, she felt a “tug” on the strings of her bathing suit top, and it became untied.

“I spun around and saw this 15 to 17-year-old with a smirk,” she recalled.

At that moment, she immediately reacted. More specifically, she slapped the teen boy across the face.

Now, that split-second reaction immediately caused a scene. Out of nowhere, staff members at the water park got involved. Plus, the teen boy’s parents came over and were absolutely furious at her.

Still, according to her, it was clear to her husband and another witness what really happened.

“My husband and another lady saw it happen and confirmed that he really did grab my top,” she explained.

Not to mention, there are security cameras located around the pool. And while the cameras did not capture the best angle, the footage did “kind of” show what went down.

Kryuchka Yaroslav – – illustrative purposes only

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