
She Said Her Brother’s Soon-To-Be Ex-Wife Had A Right To Leave Him Because He’s Not Responsible Enough To Be A Father And May Never Be

“Eve is one of the most chill people I know, but I’ve watched her go from happy and put together to a nervous wreck over their marriage,” she said.

“We’re friends and talk a lot, and she confided in me that she feels like the only adult in the house, and it’s driving her slowly insane more than once.”

Adam and Eve tried marriage counseling, but it did not help. Then, what sealed the deal was that when Eve recently had surgery, Adam dropped the ball and didn’t do anything to help her during her recovery.

It was so bad that Eve’s mom had to fly into town to care for her because her husband refused to.

Finally, Eve couldn’t take it anymore and moved out of their home with their kids before filing for divorce.

Now that Eve is gone, Adam’s life has been even more chaotic, and he’s a complete mess.

She’s been struggling with this divorce because she understands why Eve left and thinks she was right to do so. However, she’s been biting her tongue because she didn’t want Adam to know.

But recently, she snapped and couldn’t hold back any longer.

The other day, she was on the phone with Adam when he called her a very mean name and accused her of being a horrible person for taking his kids away.

“I told him that Eve leaving him was the best move for her own mental health, and she was probably right that he’s not responsible enough to be a father right now,” she recalled.

“He needs to take a good look at his life without Eve and ask himself if he’s capable of doing the hard everyday parts of parenting.”

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