Categories: Relationships

She Said Her 20-Year-Old Daughter’s New Boyfriend, Who Is 44, Isn’t Welcome In Their Home, But Now She’s Afraid Of Losing Her Daughter

Chip Chick

For many parents, one of their biggest fears is that their kid will get into a relationship with an older person who wants to take advantage of them.

One woman recently told her daughter she couldn’t bring her boyfriend back to their family home because he’s over 20 years older than her, and she doesn’t approve of their relationship.

She and her husband are in their late 40s and have a 20-year-old daughter named Ellie, who’s in college.

A few months ago, Ellie revealed she had a boyfriend named Tom, and they had been together for five months. While she was extremely happy for Ellie, she couldn’t help but notice how secretive she was regarding Tom.

“Usually, she’s an open book, especially with me, and would always share details of her personal life,” she said.

“On this occasion, she wouldn’t show any pictures, and we knew next to no information about Tom other than that they met at a party through a mutual friend.”

Ellie’s been out of school for over a month and spent the first month of her summer in her college town. Then, she had plans to fly home for a nice, long visit. Before flying home, Ellie asked her and her husband if she could bring Tom, saying they had become serious and that she wanted them to meet him.

Since they knew Tom was an important part of her life, she and her husband agreed to let him visit. However, they were in for a big surprise when they met him in person.

When they picked up Ellie and Tom from their airport, they were shocked, as he was visibly older than her and was clearly not a college student. However, they tried to remain calm and get to know him before freaking out.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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