
She Refused To Help Out Her Cousin’s New Bakery After She Was Lied To About The Size Of Her Cousin’s Wedding And Excluded From The Event

Ihor - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman and her female cousin, who is 32, used to be quite close. So, when she found out her cousin was engaged, she was thrilled for her and excited to be a part of the big day.

But then, just a few months before the wedding, her cousin claimed to have “changed her mind” about the size of the guest list. In other words, she wound up getting excluded.

“It was going to be very small, like just close friends and immediate family members that ceremony. I was hurt, but I understood,” she recalled.

Anyway, her cousin has since launched her own small business – a bakery – and it’s actually doing pretty well. That’s why, just the other day, her cousin asked if she could pitch in and help out with the business on the weekends.

Apparently, the bakery has been swamped with orders, and her cousin could really use an extra set of hands.

“I work full-time during the week and was looking forward to this weekend just to chill out, but I was willing to consider it,” she said.

Well, that was until the truth actually came out about her cousin’s wedding. A couple of days later, she learned that her cousin had invited plenty of extended family members, in addition to other close friends.

So, the wedding wasn’t really so “small and private” after all, and she’s super hurt.

“I felt cheated and left out again because she would make me feel like it’s super limited – just really immediate family,” she explained.

Ihor – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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