
She Refused To Cut A Little Girl’s Hair For Her Stepmother Because She Knew The Girl’s Biological Mother Wanted To Let Her Daughter’s Hair Grow Out

Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s friend, who’s a hairdresser, was just working at her hair salon when a woman and her 10-year-old stepdaughter walked into the shop one day.

For some context, her friend already knew the little girl, her father, and his ex-wife – the little girl’s biological mother.

“And the father always said how he and his ex-wife had agreed to let their daughter’s hair grow out because of their Native American heritage,” she said.

Well, after years of leaving the little girl’s hair alone, the stepmother suddenly came up with a different plan.

More specifically, the stepmother approached her friend and claimed she wanted the 10-year-old’s hair cut to shoulder-length since it was “too much work” to brush and clean it.

All the while, the little girl was crying and kept repeating the word “no,” making it obvious that she didn’t want her hair cut.

So, since her friend knew the girl’s biological mother, she decided to pull up the mother’s information on the computer and call to confirm whether or not the haircut was okay.

“Because the child was crying that she didn’t want to cut her hair,” she reasoned.

Then, once her friend got the girl’s mother on the phone, the mother said “absolutely not” to the haircut. That’s why her friend wound up refusing to cut the little girl’s hair at all.

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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