
She Notified Her Little Sister She’s Not Pretty Because She Doesn’t Try With Her Appearance

Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A couple of days ago, this 20-year-old girl was chatting with her baby sister, who is 17. At some point, their discussion turned to the topic of pretty privilege.

Pretty privilege essentially means if you’re considered to be conventionally attractive, you will enjoy more perks, advantages, and opportunities than someone who is, well, ugly.

As she and her little sister were chatting about this, her sister went on an unexpected tirade about how pretty privilege just isn’t fair in the least.

Her sister argued that if she was more attractive, she would certainly have a boyfriend and be popular, too.

“Now, this upset me because my little sister is super lucky; she is naturally blonde, has a beautiful face, is very thin even though she eats a lot of junk food, and her [chest] and [backside] are huge,” she explained.

“However, she’s a complete slob. She dresses in very baggy clothing, doesn’t wear makeup, her hair is a mess, and she often smells bad because she doesn’t shower much.”

“She also has acne; I know that isn’t her fault, but I used to have bad acne, and I found out how to get rid of it, but when I suggested this to her, she just ignored it.”

She cut sugar and junk food out of her own diet in order to clear up her acne, and after about a month of eating this way, she was successful.

This is what she relayed to her sister, who declined to follow the same steps she did to combat her acne.

Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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