
She Left A Note Claiming She Was Going On A Walk In 2014 But Never Returned

But, once Park got home sometime between 10:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Tammy was nowhere to be found. Rather, Park found a note left by Tammy, which read, “Went for a walk, be back soon. Love you.”

As time passed and Tammy did not return, Park grew increasingly worried and decided to visit her workplace.

“As soon as I saw the note, I knew something was wrong, and I went looking for her,” he recalled.

After he could not find his wife, he contacted the Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office at 2:00 p.m. and reported her missing.

Tammy disappeared without her purse, cell phone, wallet, identification, and keys – all of which were left behind on the kitchen table.

Once an investigation was launched, authorities extensively searched the area surrounding Tammy’s home – aided by rescue teams, search dogs, volunteers, and helicopters. Yet, no evidence linked to her disappearance was found.

The search dogs could not detect a scent, leading to the theory that perhaps Tammy had been picked up by a vehicle.

At the time of her disappearance, Tammy was reportedly suffering from depression and was taking medication for her mental health. Shortly before she vanished, she also reportedly attempted to take her own life by mixing her medication with alcohol.

The investigation also uncovered supposed “romantic” text message exchanges between Tammy and two men. However, authorities cleared the two men of any involvement in her disappearance, and Tammy’s mother, Carolyn, does not believe she was having an affair.

Additionally, Tammy’s family thinks that she never would have just left her children, and according to her younger sister, Amy Thomas, the fact that she wrote a note leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

“She didn’t have her phone or her purse with her, and I just felt like that was really strange. Something that stood out to me is why she wouldn’t have texted Parker to say hey, I’m going to go on a walk,” Amy explained.

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