
She Kicked Her Mother-In-Law Out Of Her Home For Constantly Meddling In Her Marriage

“She even inspected the house, pointing out imaginary dirt and telling me she should ‘teach me’ how to clean properly.”

Unfortunately, her mother-in-law didn’t stop there. She then started insulting her and her husband’s financial situation, telling her she had been spending too much of her husband’s money on “useless things” and then had the audacity to call her a “gold-digger.”

This was ridiculous, considering she and her husband make just about the same amount of money from their jobs.

Her mother-in-law then told her she should feel lucky to have “landed” her son and be grateful that he hadn’t left her for someone “more suitable.”

Then, her mother-in-law mentioned that she knew a nice girl from her church who would make a “better wife” for her son than her.

“I reached my breaking point and told her very bluntly that she needed to stop meddling in our marriage and that her constant interference was making things difficult for us,” she recalled.

“She burst into tears, called me disrespectful, and stormed out. Now, my husband is upset with me for hurting his mom’s feelings.”

How would you have reacted if your mother-in-law said all of those things to you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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