
She Got Into A Fight With Her Parents Over Her Sister Keeping Her Baby’s Name A Secret

diignat - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
diignat - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a little sister who is currently pregnant with her first child, and everyone in their family is going nuts over what her sister will choose to name her baby.

All of their loved ones have questioned her sister about the name, and her sister has maintained she’s keeping her baby’s name a secret.

Only her sister and her sister’s husband know the name, and after their baby is born, they will tell everyone what it is.

“We all know she’s having a girl, and our family has some very strong ideas about names,” she explained.

“I think one of the reasons she’s so quiet about her choice is because our family tried to get me to change the names of my three children, and they were rude about my children’s names: Piper, Rowan, and Skye.”

“My family prefers classic/royal family names. My kids do not have those kinds of names. The fact my husband and I announced the names before the birth really went badly for us. We were both sick of it each time. But we’d forget ourselves with the excitement of each pregnancy, and we’d announce because we loved the names.”

Her family only said things to them in private about how much they disliked the baby names, and they didn’t post anything on social media about it because the reactions she received there were overwhelmingly positive.

She’s proud of her sister for learning from her mistakes with sharing her baby names. She knows that’s why her sister is staying tight-lipped.

She does have two guesses as to what her sister wants to name her daughter, and each one is something her family would find disapproving.

diignat – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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