
She Got Called Disgusting For Not Inviting A Boy With Down Syndrome To Her Son’s Birthday Party

Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

To celebrate her son’s 7th birthday recently, this 34-year-old woman decided to organize a party for him at their house.

She told her son he could invite as many as six of his friends to the party, and so her son ended up selecting the kids he wanted to have attend.

When her son picked out the friends he wished to have over, she sent out birthday party invitations to those kids.

Every child her son invited RSVP’d yes to the party. On the day of her son’s birthday party, all the kids clearly had a wonderful time.

As it came time to sing Happy Birthday to her son, she took out her phone and recorded a little video of that moment.

She got permission from the parents of the kids before thinking of sharing the video on her social media account.

The day after she posted the video, she was inundated with messages from a mom who is part of their local Parent Teacher Association.

This mom also happens to follow her on social media and informed her that she was super upset her son had not received an invitation for the birthday party.

This mom has a little boy with Down syndrome, and it’s not like she meant to exclude this mom’s child at all.

Seventyfour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

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