
She Found Out Her Fiancé Has A Secret Daughter And No Longer Wants To Go Through With Their Wedding, Which Is Only Days Away

Wedding photography - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Many people find themselves in a shocking situation where the person they’re dating takes a little too long to tell them they have children from a previous relationship.

One woman wants to back out of her future marriage to her fiancé after finding out he had been hiding the fact that he has a daughter from her.

She and her fiancé are expected to get married very soon, and at the start of their relationship and engagement, she was very excited, as she was deeply in love with him. They planned a fun and exciting wedding, which was booked and paid for.

All of this wedding planning had her and her fiancé very excited about the future, and they began talking a lot more about their goals as a married couple. Her fiancé spoke a lot about how excited he was to have children with her and couldn’t wait until they’d be able to have their “first child” together.

However, everything changed after her fiancé’s cousin made a drunken speech at one of their pre-wedding celebrations.

“I found out that my fiancé had been hiding the fact that he has a child,” she said.

“His cousin, who had too much to drink, decided to give a toast to our future marriage. His speech ended with some very clear hints that my fiance had been engaged before and had a daughter from that relationship.”

Later, when she and her fiancé had a moment alone, he confessed that his cousin had spilled one of his deepest secrets and that he did have a six-year-old daughter from a previous relationship, and he had only met her once.

She was incredibly shocked by this news and knew she’d need time to process it. She feels she’d especially need more time before walking down the aisle.

Wedding photography – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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