
She Flipped Out On Her Fiancé In Front Of Guests And Embarrassed Him For Always Using Her Brand-New Car Without Asking

She called him out in front of everyone, telling him he couldn’t take her car. When he asked why, she said he couldn’t take her car to drive his friend and had to stop taking her things without her permission.

Then, she told Tom that if he also had her debit card, he needed to set it down and leave it with her.

“He looked extremely embarrassed, put both my keys and my debit card on the counter, and walked outside,” she recalled.

“He came back maybe five minutes later, saying his buddy decided to take off for the night, and then he went upstairs to our bedroom.”

When the rest of their guests left, Tom told her she embarrassed him in front of everyone and that she should’ve waited to tell him how she felt until everyone was gone.

Additionally, Tom defended himself, telling her he had lost his debit card two days prior and took her car because he figured since she’s allowed to use his car, he’s allowed to use hers.

While Tom is trying to make her feel guilty for snapping, she feels she didn’t do anything wrong, as he should know he needs to leave her things alone.

Was she wrong to snap at Tom, or were her feelings valid?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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