
She Flipped Out On Her Fiancé In Front Of Guests And Embarrassed Him For Always Using Her Brand-New Car Without Asking

primipil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
primipil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just because someone doesn’t mind if you borrow their things without asking first doesn’t mean the same rule applies to your things.

One woman recently snapped at her fiancé during a gathering because he’s been using her debit card and new car without her permission, and she’s had enough.

She and her fiancé, Tom, live together, and he has a bad habit of taking her things without asking. Tom is fairly generous with his belongings and always tells her that if she ever needs anything of his, she can go ahead and take it without asking.

However, he has this notion that the same rules apply to all of her belongings, no matter how big or small.

“I have voiced multiple times that it’s rude not to ask and have voiced irritation when he uses my stuff without asking,” she explained.

“When it comes to small stuff, I get irritated because he never puts my stuff back where it belongs, and then I have to go on a wild goose chase to find the item.”

While Tom may have started by taking smaller items, his habit eventually progressed, and he’s been taking her debit card and car without asking. To make matters worse, her car is brand new, and she never explicitly told him he could use it whenever he wants, considering he has his own car.

She bought her car a week ago, and in that week, she woke up several times with her car missing from their driveway, as Tom would take it to the gym, grocery store, and other locations without asking her first.

Things came to a head a few nights ago while she and Tom were hosting some friends at their house. One of Tom’s buddies needed something from the store, so he offered to take him and instantly grabbed her car keys instead of his.

primipil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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