
She Feels Embarrassed After Calling The Cops On Her Creepy Neighbor In The Apartment Building Across From Her

The police officer she spoke to said he would go over to her neighbor’s apartment and give him a verbal warning.

“The same policeman later called me, saying that this was all a big misunderstanding, as the neighbor films a lot of videos for his social media and allegedly records himself in front of the window and not me,” she said.

“He also denied ever staring. Apparently, he had some friends over, and they all vouched for him and laughed it off. On one hand, it’s not like he was going to admit to it if he was creeping.”

“On the other hand, maybe he’s right, and I’m a crazy lady who called the cops on my neighbor for no good reason. Either way, I’m embarrassed, and I kind of never want to open my blinds ever again.”

She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her to call the police on her neighbor after she felt he was acting in a creepy way.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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