
She Feels Embarrassed After Calling The Cops On Her Creepy Neighbor In The Apartment Building Across From Her

auseklis - - illustrative purposes only

This young woman lives all alone in her studio apartment. She has a view of a courtyard, and when she looks out her windows, she can see into another apartment complex across from her.

Over the last several months, she’s witnessed one male neighbor staring at her a lot during the days.

He even pulls out his phone and appears to be recording her or taking photos of her when she changes or wears pajamas.

“I now try to keep the blinds closed as often as possible, but I don’t have AC, and I really need to have the windows open as it gets really hot in here (they open inwards, so I can’t open the window if the blinds are down),” she explained.

“At first, I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt, but even some of my friends have this running joke of asking, “Can we come over, or is that guy going to stare at us again?”

“Today, again, I caught him staring, and I sort of shrugged to let him know I saw him staring. He shrugged as well and pulled out his phone to record/photograph me again until I pulled the blinds back down.”

One of her friends is a lawyer, so she asked her friend to give her advice on how to handle her creepy neighbor.

Her friend informed her that she could call the police and report him, as they might consider his behavior harassing in nature.

She called the police on their non-emergency number and spoke to someone who sent a police officer over to take a report from her.

auseklis – – illustrative purposes only

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