
She Exposed Her Stepsister And Boyfriend On Social Media For Both Having An Affair And Getting Pregnant

burdun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As if finding out your partner has been cheating on you with a relative wasn’t hard enough, imagine how hard it would be to find out they were also having a baby.

One woman recently decided to expose her stepsister and boyfriend, who fooled around behind her back, on social media.

She’s 23 and has been dating her boyfriend, Jake, for three years. She and Jake were really happy for most of their relationship, and they had intended to take things to the next level in the future. However, she recently discovered Jake had been keeping a secret that changed everything.

Six months ago, her mom remarried, and she gained a stepsister named Laura, who is 21. She and Laura don’t know each other that well, but they’ve been trying to build a relationship. She really likes Laura and invited her to join her circle of friends, which meant she began hanging out with her and Jake a lot.

“Everything seemed fine until a few weeks ago, [when] I noticed Jake acting strangely,” she said.

“He was more secretive with his phone and started coming up with excuses not to hang out as much. I chalked it up to stress from work at first.”

Then, during a recent family dinner at her mom’s house, Laura said she wasn’t feeling well and went to her room to lie down. Her mom asked if she would check on her, and she did. She was shocked when she saw Jake’s jacket on a chair in her room.

She didn’t want to read too much into the jacket in Laura’s room, so she went home and had a serious talk with Jake. After going back and forth, Jake finally admitted that he had been having an affair with Laura behind her back for two months.

Jake begged her to forgive him and claimed he made a mistake, but she couldn’t get over the betrayal.

burdun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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