
She Doesn’t Want To Share Any Photos From Her Wedding With Her Guests Because She And Her Husband Split Up Just Four Months Later

However, she honestly just does not want to share the photos since she’d prefer not to see anything about her wedding on social media.

“I can’t exactly say that I’ll give them the pictures, but they can’t share them,” she reasoned.

That’s why she wants to avoid the awkwardness altogether and tell her wedding guests that, due to her and her ex’s separation, she will not be sharing any of the wedding photos.

Still, her ex-husband doesn’t even know that his friend has been asking for the pictures for a long time now.

“And probably would give them to him had he been asked directly,” she vented.

So now, she’s not sure if refusing to share any wedding photos with guests is justified or unreasonable.

Is she obligated to share the photos with her guests? Or is it her choice since it was her wedding? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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