
She Doesn’t Want To Share Any Photos From Her Wedding With Her Guests Because She And Her Husband Split Up Just Four Months Later

Nina L/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you say yes to a proposal, go through the trouble of planning a whole wedding, and walk down the aisle, the intention is obviously to stay married to your new spouse for a very long time.

But, unfortunately, things just don’t always work out how we want them to.

This woman and her husband were married for just four short months after their wedding before they ultimately separated.

“Before we even got our wedding pictures and video back,” she revealed.

Then, once the photos and video were finally ready, she and her ex-husband actually went to pick them up. They also looked through everything together once.

Understandably, though, now that they are no longer together, she doesn’t really want to share the wedding photos with anyone else.

“I have nothing against the pictures. Our photographer and videographer did an amazing job, and they are absolutely beautiful, but they don’t represent a happy day for me,” she explained.

“And I recently got a notification from Facebook of someone commenting on some pictures one of my bridesmaids took on my wedding day, and it threw me into a funk.”

On top of that, one of her ex-husband’s male friends has actually been pestering her for months – asking for her to share the wedding pictures with him. Apparently, the guy just thinks the images would be a nice memory from a beautiful day.

Nina L/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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