
She Doesn’t Want To Pay $12 For Her Friend’s Kids To Attend Her Bridal Shower

khanfus - - illustrative purposes only
khanfus - - illustrative purposes only

This woman has a friend from college who is going to get married in a month. This will be her friend’s second marriage, though this is the first time her friend has found a wonderful man and is truly in love.

She and the rest of their group of friends are all thrilled for the bride and can’t wait for the wedding to happen.

When her friend asked her to be a bridesmaid along with five other women, she felt special and, of course, said yes.

She lives in a different state than the bride, but they all happen to be along the East Coast. Now, she hasn’t had a steady job since back in March and wasn’t able to make it to the bachelorette party as it was located in the Southwest.

She and another one of the bridesmaids weren’t able to be there, but they helped pay for the Airbnb everyone stayed in and paid for the bride to have a massage.

“When our friends said they wanted to pay for the Airbnb for an extra day so they could check in early, we also contributed to that cost,” she explained.

“My friends even sent me a text requesting $11 to cover one meal for the bride and another text for $20 to cover a different meal for the bride during the trip. We also pitched in both times.”

“The bridal shower brunch is coming up and will take place in the state where the bride resides. I am traveling for the bridal shower and volunteered to take the lead on games for the event, which is equal to the cost of materials for four bridal shower games.”

So, she’s laying out a lot of money leading up to the wedding, which is taking a toll on her, considering she hasn’t been consistently employed for the last couple of months.

khanfus – – illustrative purposes only

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