
She Doesn’t Want Her Sister’s Pet Goat At Her Wedding, But It’s Creating Problems With Her Parents

Rita Kochmarjova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual goat

During the summer, this 31-year-old woman is set to marry her 33-year-old fiancé. They’ve been planning their big day for more than a year and are finally getting around to details like where to seat their guests.

While wedding planning can certainly be stressful, she says it hasn’t been so far. Well, that was until her 29-year-old sister said she wants to bring a special plus-one.

Now, technically speaking, her own fiancé is one of her little sister’s ex-boyfriends. Her sister and her fiancé were broken up when she began dating him, and she says the couple never even had a relationship that was considered to be serious.

“They dated for a little less than a year, and my fiancé and I didn’t go on our first date until about five months after they parted ways,” she explained.

“This did lead to some initial awkwardness between my sister and me, and she started to act differently.”

“After taking some time to be single, she decided to travel…and generally became interested in self-exploration.”

Then, her little sister seemed to come to terms with her and her fiancé’s relationship. Three years have gone by since then, and while she’s not super close to her sister, they have a nice bond.

While her sister was going through her phase of self-exploration, she attended therapy to get her mental health in a better place.

Her sister got super into picking out a nontraditional pet, and she and her therapist figured a goat would be the best option for her.

Rita Kochmarjova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual goat

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