
She Doesn’t Want Her Cougar Friend To Take A Figure Drawing Class Her Son Models In

David Ferencik - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 43-year-old woman has a friend named Joan around her age who is the definition of extra.

Everything Joan does is over the top. Joan is loud, she’s outspoken, and she’s forever drawing attention to herself.

Joan describes herself as a cougar; she’s divorced and interested in young guys. She even talks up quite a tawdry game around her romantic interests.

While she thinks Joan is exciting to be around, sometimes Joan is too much to handle. As for her husband, he dislikes Joan because of her bold personality.

Now, in their city, one of the art museums offers different drawing classes, one of which is focused on figure drawing.

“Fine, I’m not an artist (I’ve tried! I can’t draw a straight line), but I know that is important to those who are,” she explained.

“A year or so ago my son Sam (19M) actually volunteered as a life model for those classes. The museum had put out a call for models, and since they were looking for athletic types (there was some kind of Greek athletes theme to the class, I think), he and his best friend, who is also a teammate at school, volunteered; they basically dared each other, I think.”

“Sam actually enjoyed doing it, and they paid pretty well. Sam actually thought it was highway robbery to just hang around and be still with his clothes off for an hour twice a week and then get a check. Hey, more power to him; he has never been shy.”

She doesn’t discuss Sam’s little side hustle, so she was shocked when she found out that Joan signed up for the class he models for.

David Ferencik – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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