Categories: Relationships

She Discovered Her Dad Had A Secret Life With A Young Mistress And Son, So She Exposed His Affair And Cut Him Off

Chip Chick

I feel incredibly terrible for people who grow up to find out that one of their parents had another partner and family on the side and managed to keep it a secret for years.

One woman recently decided to expose her father’s lies after discovering he had been seeing another woman and had a son with her while still married to her stepmom.

She’s 25 and always thought she had a pretty solid family life. Her mom passed away when she was very young, but when she was six, her dad married her stepmom, Linda.

She’s always been thankful for Linda, who she sees as a second mom. A few years later, Linda and her dad had her half-sister, Emma. Today, Linda and her dad are in their 50s, and Emma is 17.

Recently, while visiting home for the weekend, she decided to do some cleaning around her family’s house to surprise her dad and Linda.

Much to her dismay, while tidying up her dad’s office, she found a hidden drawer in his desk full of letters and photos of her dad with another woman and a young boy who looked like he was five years old. There was also a second phone in the drawer.

The woman in the photos looked very young and not much older than her, making her stomach sick.

“I was shocked and confused, [so] I took the phone and the letters to Linda and Emma,” she recalled.

“Linda was devastated, and Emma was in tears. We decided to confront my dad when he got home, and when he returned, we presented the evidence.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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