
She Cut Off Her Dad After He Married A Gold Digger Who Is Over 20 Years Younger Than Him Within Three Months Of Dating

Vasily Makarov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When your parents split and then one of them enters a relationship with someone you strongly dislike, it can feel like your world is turning upside down.

One woman’s dad married a much younger woman who has made it obvious she’s only interested in him for his money, and she’s cut him off as a result.

She and her four siblings were raised by her 60-year-old dad, as her mom wasn’t in the picture when she was little. Her dad makes a lot of money, and although he has issues with alcohol, she was raised happily.

Then, everything changed when her dad met his current 37-year-old wife. He met her in a bar and was immediately enamored with her blonde hair, body, and beauty, so he married her three months later. Soon, it became pretty obvious that his new wife was mostly enamored with him because of his wealth.

Her dad’s wife is very much a gold-digger and began sitting around their house drinking all day as soon as they were married.

“None of his five kids showed up to their wedding, and I felt really bad about it,” she said.

“We’ve tried to tell him how we felt, and we didn’t want to attend a sham wedding. She’s so manipulative and slimy [and] it’s not even just her being a gold digger [that’s bad]; it’s how she treats me and the other family members. She’s just not a good person.”

Since they got married, her dad’s wife has convinced him to stop talking and reaching out to his kids, including her, and it’s devastated her and her siblings.

Additionally, her dad’s wife continues to brag about his will and life insurance policy. While she and her sister were supposed to be the main beneficiaries of his estate when he passed, his wife insisted it all go to her instead.

Vasily Makarov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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