
She Cried When Her 8-Year-Old Daughter Admitted She Doesn’t Find Herself Pretty

She desperately wishes her daughter could see herself from her eyes: she’s a gorgeous and special little girl.

“IDK, I’m at a loss here…How could I help her boost her self-esteem?” she wondered. “I feel she’s so young to be thinking like this. I’m afraid it can [make] her worse.”

It can indeed be disheartening when kids feel they aren’t pretty. At such a young and impressionable age, they shouldn’t be worrying about beauty standards.

Emphasizing qualities like kindness, creativity, and intelligence over appearance can help build up a child’s confidence.

Also, setting an example by celebrating diversity and self-acceptance can go a long way in shaping their understanding of beauty.

It’s important for parents to reinforce the message that everyone is unique and that true beauty comes from within. What are your thoughts on ways to help kids feel more confident in themselves?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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