
She Cried When Her 8-Year-Old Daughter Admitted She Doesn’t Find Herself Pretty

Ksenia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This woman was putting her 8-year-old daughter to bed one evening, and she called her beautiful while saying it was time to tuck her in and call it a night.

Her daughter simply asked her why she referred to her as beautiful since she’s not. She was absolutely shocked to hear her daughter say those words.

She actually started to cry as the moment broke her. Having her daughter admit she doesn’t find herself pretty was crushing.

“We have always called her beautiful out of affection, and she always seemed happy with herself,” she explained.

“She’s about to start 3rd grade. During this summer, we’ve had her choose her own clothes for this next school year so she can start exploring her own sense of style.”

“I shouldn’t have cried in front of her. But I couldn’t help it. It made me so sad to hear this from my little girl.”

“She said she doesn’t like her face. That it’s very round and big, and that’s why she doesn’t think she’s pretty.”

She informed her daughter that she is the prettiest little thing she has ever laid eyes on. She went on to tell her about how she always makes her happy whenever she sees her.

Her daughter apologized as she watched her cry, which made her feel awful as a mom for not being able to hold it together.

Ksenia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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