
She Called Out Her Narcissistic Coworker During A Team Meeting Since He Constantly Takes Credit For Other Peoples’ Work

During the team meeting with her boss following the presentation, she couldn’t hide her anger and snapped.

“I called Mark out in front of everyone, pointing out how he constantly takes credit for other people’s work and how his behavior is damaging our team morale,” she recalled.

“I also mentioned how he took credit from my work. Mark was shocked, and my other colleagues were too because they did not expect me to finally speak up about it.”

Her outburst was so intense that her manager had to jump in and cool everyone down.

Since then, Mark has been giving her the cold shoulder, and her manager has called her in for a meeting next week to discuss what happened.

While many of her colleagues think her outburst was justified and even thanked her for speaking up, some felt she should have done it privately.

Now, she’s worried she’ll get in trouble with her boss, but she couldn’t hold off on her frustration any longer.

Do you think she deserves to be reprimanded for her outburst?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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