
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Because He Wouldn’t Stop Liking And Commenting On Other Women’s Thirst Trap Photos On Social Media

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman was in a relationship with her 28-year-old boyfriend, named Jasper. However, she decided to call it quits and break up with him after catching him “thirsting” over other women on social media.

Unfortunately, this is a common issue for many partners nowadays. With so many influencers, models, and even meme accounts sharing photos – or “thirst traps” – of attractive women on social media, it seems as though more and more men are getting caught looking at other girls online.

She specifically was able to find out her boyfriend was “thirsting” over other women via one feature on Instagram. Whenever you scroll over a post now, the app will automatically tell you whether someone you follow has liked or commented on that post.

“I’m really grateful they added this feature because I found like dozens of reels Jasper was engaging with,” she revealed.

Most of the posts featured models, and her boyfriend didn’t just “like” them. Rather, he even went so far as to comment on emojis – including the “heart eyes” and the “drool” faces.

She tried calling him out over his behavior on social media, too, and Jasper actually apologized.

“But he doesn’t seem to change because a few weeks later, I saw his username on another reel,” she explained.

Still, she didn’t hit her breaking point until just yesterday – when she caught her boyfriend “thirsting” over a girl they went to high school with, who has become a semi-influencer.

“I freaked out,” she recalled, “I maybe flipped out too much, but I was fed up with him, and I couldn’t help it.”

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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