
She Borrowed A Necklace From Her Mother’s Jewelry Box And Didn’t Immediately Return It, So Her Sister Accused Her Of Trying To Steal The Family Heirloom 

At the time, she tried to tell her sister that she was only borrowing the necklace and fully intended to return it. Moreover, she claimed she didn’t appreciate being called a thief.

The next day, she also spoke to her mom about the situation – who claimed not to mind that she was wearing the necklace.

“But my mom was mostly worried about it getting lost or broken, as it was pretty valuable,” she detailed.

“I agreed with her and ended up putting it back after measuring the chain, as it was the same length as my broken one and why I liked wearing it.”

Still, she couldn’t get her sister’s words out of her head, so she wound up confronting her sister and opening up about how disturbing the theft accusation was.

In her mind, she and her sister had always had a tight-knit relationship, and she didn’t appreciate her sister painting her as a thief.

“To me, accusing someone of trying to steal a valuable piece of jewelry from her own mother is a serious accusation. One that comes with some pretty serious repercussions,” she vented.

Nonetheless, her sister wouldn’t take back anything and doubled down – saying she “stood by” the accusation. This led to a big argument between them, and now, she doesn’t know what to do.

She realizes that she should have returned her mom’s necklace sooner. But she just isn’t able to get over her sister accusing her of trying to steal a family heirloom, and she’s unsure if that’s reasonable or not.

Does it make sense why her actions seemed fishy to her sister? At the same time, can you understand why being called a thief was hurtful? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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