
She Borrowed A Necklace From Her Mother’s Jewelry Box And Didn’t Immediately Return It, So Her Sister Accused Her Of Trying To Steal The Family Heirloom 

Wedding photography - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Earlier this year, this 34-year-old woman was heading out to dinner and decided to ask if she could borrow a necklace from her mother’s jewelry box to accompany her outfit. Apparently, the necklace was a family heirloom, but her mom still agreed to let her borrow it.

Well, after dinner, she simply forgot to take off the accessory and accidentally wore it home the following day.

“I was living out of state at the time and immediately called my mom to let her know I still had it,” she recalled.

A few days later, her 31-year-old sister – who she was living with at the time – also saw her wearing the family heirloom. So, she filled her sister in on what happened, making it clear that she only took it home accidentally.

Two more months passed by after that, and she wound up moving back into her mother’s house. At that point, she had her own different necklace – which she wore every single day.

“But it had a broken chain,” she explained, “So instead of immediately putting my mom’s necklace back, I kept wearing it until I could get mine fixed.”

“I figured since my mom knew where it was and that I was living in her house, it’d be fine for a little while longer.”

Unfortunately, her sister disagreed. Once her sister saw her wearing the necklace again, she actually got accused of trying to “weasel her way” into never returning the necklace at all.

Her sister believed that she was basically trying to steal the family heirloom, especially because it wasn’t clear whether she or her sister would inherit the necklace from their mother yet.

Wedding photography – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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