
She Blamed Her Parents For Ruining Her Brother’s Life By Smothering Him And Turning Him Into A Man-Child

“My brother did finally move out of my parents’ house, but only to a house in the neighborhood behind them,” she said.

“My mom is over at his house multiple times a week, cooking him dinner and cleaning. My brother has yet to find someone who will marry him or even date him because every woman tells him he’s too close to his parents.”

She believes her brother has a lot of potential to find a partner and make a life for himself, but he’s being held back by their parents, especially their mom.

Recently, she decided to have a serious chat with her parents about her brother’s situation during a recent visit, and she looked at her mother and told her she’s raised her son to grow into a “man-child” and that her actions have effectively ruined his life since he can’t make one for himself.

Then, she finished her rant by pointing out her parents’ blatant favoritism for her brother her entire life.

Her parents disagreed with her on everything she brought up, stating they love her and her brother equally, even though her mom said it was “easier” to form a relationship with her brother.

“I told them they are delusional and need therapy, then left,” she added.

“They were clearly upset about the conversation. I couldn’t hold all this in any longer. Do you think I should apologize for even bringing it up?”

Should she apologize to her parents for what she said?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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