
She Backed Out Of A Beach Vacation After Learning Her Best Friend Planned To Bring Her Kids Along

icemanphotos - - illustrative purposes only

A couple of weeks back, this woman planned a vacation with her best friend to the beach. Work, life, and school have been stressing the two of them out to no end, so they figured a girl’s trip was in order to help them relax.

They discussed a destination, and she booked a hotel for them after they had a conversation about what beach they would like to go to.

In the weeks that followed, they chatted about what they should do on their vacation. The evening before they were set to leave, her best friend called her to talk about the details of their travel.

As they were going back and forth, her best friend said out of the blue that she forgot to mention her kids were coming along.

“She has three small children; one is on the spectrum, so she requires more attention and care, which is totally understandable,” she explained.

“I don’t have any kids yet, but of course, I try to be empathetic to my friends and family who do have children and have to bring them along when plans change.”

“The issue is that my friend did not tell me until that night before our trip, as many times that we have talked, [she never said] that she was bringing her kids.”

She adores her best friend’s children, but they had agreed upon a footloose and fancy-free weekend alone.

They wanted to be able to do things adults do, which obviously couldn’t happen with her bestie’s kids coming along, too, as she would have to help watch them the entire time.

icemanphotos – – illustrative purposes only

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