
Rooted In Native American Lore, Navajo Skinwalkers Are Said To Be Mythical Creatures With Shapeshifting Abilities That Torment Families In The Southwest

The Shermans ended up selling the ranch, but these freaky incidents continued. A man named Robert Bigelow bought the ranch in 1996.

He established the National Institute for Discovery Science on the property and set up surveillance.

In March 1997, a large humanoid figure perched in a tree was spotted. Bigelow’s employee shot it with a rifle, but it fled, leaving claw marks on the ground.

Other bizarre incidents occurred, such as a calf being thoroughly drained of blood and sightings of large animals in trees.

In total, 100 incidents on the property were reported, but Bigelow couldn’t find sufficient evidence of the Skinwalker, even with videotape footage and night vision equipment. He sold the ranch in 2016.

A company called Adamantium Holdings bought it, installing surveillance equipment all over the property. To this day, strange occurrences persist on the Skinwalker Ranch, with no clear cause.

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