
Researchers In Spain Discovered A Broken Stone Tablet With Carvings Created By The Ancient Tartessos People Over 2,000 Years Ago

Not much is known about the Tartessos civilization. In the ancient world, they were known for their wealth.

A historian from the fourth century B.C.E. named Ephorus referred to Tartessos as “a very prosperous market” with tin they acquired by river travel and copper and gold from Celtic lands. The Bible also described the Tartessian people as traders of iron, tin, lead, and silver.

They disappeared sometime around the sixth century B.C.E., but researchers aren’t sure why. There aren’t many written records about them, so details about their culture have remained a big question mark.

Some theories about their disappearance include an economic issue linked to precious metals, violence, or an earthquake.

The discovery of the stone tablet offers a glimpse into the lives of the Tartessians, bringing researchers one step closer to figuring out what caused the end of this lost civilization.

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