
New Research Suggests Decreasing Screen Time To Only Three Hours Per Week Can Enhance Children’s Mental Health And Behavior Within Just Two Weeks

Given how short the study’s duration was, this quick improvement is significant. The findings indicate that reducing screen time for even a short period of time can have a big impact on children’s mental health.

Internalizing symptoms, such as emotional problems or challenges with peers, as well as prosocial behavior, which pertains to being kind and helpful to others, were areas that saw the most significant improvements.

So, children may be able to manage their emotions better and enhance their social interactions by cutting down on screen time.

Still, Dr. Desper Schmidt-Persson, who led the study, noted that the three-hour limit specifically targeted leisure screen time. In other words, it did not include necessary screen time usage – such as for school or homework.

This means that reducing recreational screen time, as opposed to getting rid of screen time altogether, can still have a large and positive impact.

Past studies have also indicated there may be a connection between poor mental health and too much screen time. However, this study is among the first to establish a causal relationship via a randomized control trial.

Nonetheless, the research team advises against viewing these findings as a reason to completely eliminate all screen use.

Rather, they recommend adopting a balanced approach – with families setting reasonable screen time limits together.

To read the study’s complete findings, which have since been published in JAMA Network Open, visit the link here.

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