
Many Gen Z Teens Don’t Feel Motivated Or Inspired By Their Time Spent At School, According To A New Survey

Overall, one of the most prominent lessons learned in the survey was that just under half of Gen Z-ers do not feel like they’re motivated to go to school, nor do they feel like anything they’re doing in school is interesting.

If you talk to some of the teenagers in your life or listen to the rants of some online, you may have heard that they feel school is boring.

Or, perhaps you’ve listened to teenagers express how they wish they were learning more trade skills they could use to get a job at school versus traditional academics.

There are multiple reasons why Gen Z students struggle to find purpose and motivation at school. It could be because they’re not getting enough sleep, spend too much time on social media, aren’t having positive social interactions with their peers, etc.

If you’re a parent and your teen is feeling disconnected from school or struggling to enjoy it, consider having a chat with them about the importance of school and how they’re doing.

Emphasize the importance of taking care of their mental health alongside their academic career, and maybe they’ll open up to you about their current situation.

Growing up, when did you feel most disconnected from school?

You can read the survey here.

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