
If Your Roses Are Getting Eaten, Here’s How To Pinpoint What’s Pestering Them

morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only

Roses are the crown jewels in any garden, favored for both their stunning blooms and romantic scent. But, even with such a regal appearance, they still aren’t immune to challenges.

One of the most common and frustrating problems gardeners face when it comes to cultivating these flowers is discovering that something is munching away at their roses.

If you can relate, then you know how disheartening it can be watching all of your hard work get devoured by pests.

However, don’t throw in the towel just yet – because there are ways to identify the culprits and protect your beloved roses.

Pinpointing The Pests

The first step in saving your roses is figuring out who – or what – is eating them.

First up are aphids, tiny green or black insects that suck the sap from new rose growth, causing deformed leaves and stunted blooms.

Japanese beetles, which have shiny and metallic-green bodies, are also notorious for skeletonizing rose leaves. They eat in a way that leaves behind only the veins.

Next, there are caterpillars of various species that can feast on rose leaves, too, creating holes or even stripping the leaves entirely.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only

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